The Gazette of the PC 2016 / II. Summer

Back on "demobilization"

To begin this Gazette, a small attempt to explain a concept with which I fear it I have not finished to ponder you: "demobilization" ...

For almost two decades now, an atmosphere has been insidiouslyclimate, carried by two key dates (2001, 2008) and allowing the conditions for thereturn from the Territorysacred (strong state, circumscribed identity, homogeneous nation, proliferation of walls, etc.). A context that gradually prepares consciences to consider theimmobility as chic-patriotic-authentic-social-ecoand movement as the cause of all evils.

A demobilization fueled by terrorist events, such as the infamous attacks in Orlando that lead this spring the surreal American presidential campaign. Shared statement, differently retrieved. Blessed Bread for Huntington's Disciples ( ). So Donald Trump who quickly posted his camp, preferring the division into minorities to union against monsters.


Demobilization is a cousin of de-globalization. Sustained de-globalization for more laudable reasons by lovers of the trendy words of the moment: localism, proximity, autonomy, self-sufficiency. We campaign for sustainable development, we cry when it serves populism. Finally de-globalization desired by social-plus-too-liberals too ...

Globalized anger or globalization of anger

"We are approaching a period of despair and with despair it is the extreme right that benefits. Some of us, who are old, remember what this extreme right could do. It is necessary, in this period of desperation, to bring back hope, to say thatAnother world is possibleand even necessary."

Speech delivered byKen Loach, Palme d'Or for "Me, Daniel Blake«, Closing ceremony of the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

But what world Ken, what a world? Help us Ken, before the anger of the non-liberal social slips to social-populism. These have just seen Me, Daniel Blake ". They saw " Tomorrow »And« Thanks boss Also ... Influenced by this vision, for those, there is nothing left to save. Nothing to expect from globalization. No generation of globalization, no middle classes created in more oriental countries. They are chanting economics economy economy, abuse of the economy. Rotten world. An obsession that would almost hide the current trend of ideological closure. And yet. Returning from a drink with a friend who argued that the problem of the world was too global, I came across a debate France Culture on the worldwide multiplication of walls ...

Partially agree on the statement, not on the focus, nor on the solutions. But unfortunately I do not have the arguments to soften theirangeragainst the globalized economy. So I'm just talking about Identities and giving insiders the task of clarifying economic globalization. I leave anger too. I keep hope, the ambition of a thought directed towards action.

Still, not easy to flee all thisanger. The other morning, a priori in a good mood, the radio finishes waking up with the story of four very angry skinned which I will learn later that it was the demonstration of rights to Bézier ... Tired we are pollutes with minorities, obscuring the millions of others who just want a little light, a little energy to go to work.

ThisangerThe Gazette of the PC 2016 / II. Summer | THE COSMOPOLIS PROJECTThe Gazette of the PC 2016 / II. SummerJul 03, 2017TomorrowThat this

The Cosmopolis Project

no comments yetBack on "demobilization"To begin this Gazette, a small attempt to explain a concept with which I fear it I have not finished to ponder you: "demobilization" ...

For almost two decades now, an atmosphere has been insidiouslyclimate, carried by two key dates (2001, 2008) and allowing the conditions for the

return from the Territory

sacred (strong state, circumscribed identity, homogeneous nation, proliferation of walls, etc.). A context that gradually prepares consciences to consider theimmobility as chic-patriotic-authentic-social-ecoand movement as the cause of all evils.A demobilization fueled by terrorist events, such as the infamous attacks in Orlando that lead this spring the surreal American presidential campaign. Shared statement, differently retrieved. Blessed Bread for Huntington's Disciples ( ). So Donald Trump who quickly posted his camp, preferring the division into minorities to union against monsters.

Demobilization is a cousin of de-globalization. Sustained de-globalization for more laudable reasons by lovers of the trendy words of the moment: localism, proximity, autonomy, self-sufficiency. We campaign for sustainable development, we cry when it serves populism. Finally de-globalization desired by social-plus-too-liberals too ...Globalized anger or globalization of anger"

We are approaching a period of despair and with despair it is the extreme right that benefits. Some of us, who are old, remember what this extreme right could do. It is necessary, in this period of desperation, to bring back hope, to say thatAnother world is possibleand even necessary."Speech delivered by

Ken Loach, Palme d'Or for "Me, Daniel Blake«, Closing ceremony of the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

Butwhat world Ken, what a world? Help us Ken, before the anger of the non-liberal social slips to social-populism. These have just seen

". They saw "

Tomorrow»And«Thanks bossAlso ... Influenced by this vision, for those, there is nothing left to save. Nothing to expect from globalization. No generation of globalization, no middle classes created in more oriental countries. They are chanting economics economy economy, abuse of the economy. Rotten world. An obsession that would almost hide the current trend of ideological closure. And yet. Returning from a drink with a friend who argued that the problem of the world was too global, I came across a debateFrance Culture

on the worldwide multiplication of walls ...Partially agree on the statement, not on the focus, nor on the solutions. But unfortunately I do not have the arguments to soften theirangeragainst the globalized economy. So I'm just talking about Identities and giving insiders the task of clarifying economic globalization. I leave anger too. I keep hope, the ambition of a thought directed towards action.Still, not easy to flee all this. The other morning, a priori in a good mood, the radio finishes waking up with the story of four very angry skinned which I will learn later that it was the demonstration of rights to Bézier ... Tired we are pollutes with minorities, obscuring the millions of others who just want a little light, a little energy to go to work.This

We had a thought for our friends of the Turkish generation, too, who in the aftermath of the failed putsch are now assigned home, locked in. So Barish, former companion of Réjane

(Remember in Madrid and that evening accompanied by one of his German Erasmus friends, a young man who can work all over the world armed with his PC, and applying for the end of the summer in Geneva, where after working for an international organization teaches languages ​​to expatriate children while making stops in Sweden where his girlfriend mid-Jordanian-mid-Argentina met here has for a time settled down ... Some definitely have the world to House !

Middle Ages ... Since then I have fun to consider some realities from this angle. So what are religious fundamentals if not "medieval" interpretations of the texts?😉The Middle Ages is also the consecration of regional cultures. And who better than Celtic culture to evoke this little taste of yesteryear?This year even the Paleo Festival World Village has succumbed ... The Celtic village has supplanted the traditional "ethnic" village.Summer of assignmentInTurkeyProgressives are not the only ones to pay the state of emergency. As Istanbul is an important hub, the Turkish downturn has implications for mobility throughout the region. Locked up and soon isolated. Geneva has canceled its flights to the capital in the wake. And if the Turks are assigned, others will be assigned this summer. Terrorized by the disciples ofDaechbombed on their territory will hit hard all summer, even murdering a priest in his church to further fragmentation. The tourists are fleeing. Which would almost relieve some lands that limit their numbers to preserve theirauthenticity. And I think nostalgically back in 1996, my first vacation by plane, in Tunisia. It was before. Before the West starts to hate itself and considers that the trans-Mediterranean tourism pervert the exoticism of others and be vulgar. Before the world begins to close.But this summer"Mediterranean mobilityhas not been hindered. The great summer transhumance of the dual nationals has continued. And European destinations hit by the crisis have been stormed. With the possible exception of these beaches where we fear crossing freshly arrived refugees ... On the other side of the Mediterranean, if Egypt cries its tourists, "gated communities" type El Gouna, private city , closed city, remain very popular ...My turko-greek kiosk told me not to dare to leave either this summer. Not because of the fear of the attacks, but of its facies and the association that could be made in these times of stigmatization ...

Short this summer we stayed assigned. What about tourism, remains the "two houses" Good new: we are never totally assigned when we have the chance to have "two houses". A force not yet always claimed by these bi-, that they have two nations, one city and one region , or I do not know what fruitful duo. For my part, this summer in my house of election, I spent the big gathering under fire with my friend Argento-Geneva who fully assumes its bi-culturality, my friend Parisian-Moroccan who has not finished to reconcile his two houses and avoids one, and his colleague with interesting DIY, Parisian dynamic setting joining the weekend his second life and his forest where he turns into a lumberjack north border who does not hesitate to be Belgian a little also, exploiting the wealth of the border, occasionally. As for me who had to give up for a time to my second home, try to compensate for this lack by extracting me from localism of my house-world of election by anchoring me in my transnational universe, my blog. Supporters of "two houses" also have prominent representatives, such as brothers Costes which I discovered by zapping, and which perfectly illustrate the reconciliation between cultural-regional-traditions and global-cities-globalization. From the

community of Aveyronnais of Paris


We had a thought for our friends of the Turkish generation, too, who in the aftermath of the failed putsch are now assigned home, locked in. So Barish, former companion of Réjane

(RememberGénération Erasmus in Madrid and that evening accompanied by one of his German Erasmus friends, a young man who can work all over the world armed with his PC, and applying for the end of the summer in Geneva, where after working for an international organization teaches languages ​​to expatriate children while making stops in Sweden where his girlfriend mid-Jordanian-mid-Argentina met here has for a time settled down ... Some definitely have the world to House !Middle Ages ... Since then I have fun to consider some realities from this angle. So what are religious fundamentals if not "medieval" interpretations of the texts?😉The Middle Ages is also the consecration of regional cultures. And who better than Celtic culture to evoke this little taste of yesteryear?This year even the Paleo Festival World Village has succumbed ... The Celtic village has supplanted the traditional "ethnic" village.

Summer of assignment In Turkey Progressives are not the only ones to pay the state of emergency. As Istanbul is an important hub, the Turkish downturn has implications for mobility throughout the region. Locked up and soon isolated. Geneva has canceled its flights to the capital in the wake. And if the Turks are assigned, others will be assigned this summer. Terrorized by the disciples of Daech

bombed on their territory will hit hard all summer, even murdering a priest in his church to further fragmentation. The tourists are fleeing. Which would almost relieve some lands that limit their numbers to preserve their

authenticity . And I think nostalgically back in 1996, my first vacation by plane, in Tunisia. It was before. Before the West starts to hate itself and considers that the trans-Mediterranean tourism pervert the exoticism of others and be vulgar. Before the world begins to close.

But this summer

Mediterranean mobility

has not been hindered. The great summer transhumance of the dual nationals has continued. And European destinations hit by the crisis have been stormed. With the possible exception of these beaches where we fear crossing freshly arrived refugees ... On the other side of the Mediterranean, if Egypt cries its tourists, "gated communities" type El Gouna, private city , closed city, remain very popular ...My turko-greek kiosk told me not to dare to leave either this summer. Not because of the fear of the attacks, but of its facies and the association that could be made in these times of stigmatization ...Shortthis summer we stayed assigned.What about tourism, remains the "two houses"Good new: we are never totally assigned when we have the chance to have "two houses". A force not yet always claimed by these bi-, that they havetwo nations, one city and one region

, or I do not know what fruitful duo. For my part, this summer in my house of election, I spent the big gathering under fire with my friend Argento-Geneva who fully assumes its bi-culturality, my friend Parisian-Moroccan who has not finished to reconcile his two houses and avoids one, and his colleague with interesting DIY, Parisian dynamic setting joining the weekend his second life and his forest where he turns into a lumberjack north border who does not hesitate to be Belgian a little also, exploiting the wealth of the border, occasionally. As for me who had to give up for a time to my second home, try to compensate for this lack by extracting me fromlocalism of my house-world of electionby anchoring me in my transnational universe, my blog.

Supporters of "two houses" also have prominent representatives, such as

brothers Costeswhich I discovered by zapping, and which perfectly illustrate the

reconciliation between cultural-regional-traditions and global-cities-globalization

. From the community of Aveyronnais of Paris, ou je ne sais quel fructueux duo. Pour ma part restée cet été dans ma maison d’élection, j’ai passé le grand rassemblement sous les feux en compagnie de mon amie argento-genevoise qui assume pleinement sa bi-culturalité, mon amie pariso-marocaine qui n’a pas fini de réconcilier ses deux maisons et en évite une, et son collègue au bricolage intéressant, cadre dynamique parisien rejoignant le week-end sa deuxième vie et sa forêt où il se mue en bûcheron nordiste frontalier qui n’hésite pas à se faire belge un peu aussi, exploitant la richesse de la frontière, à l’occasion. Quant à moi qui ai dû renoncer pour un temps à ma deuxième maison, tente de compenser ce manque en m’extrayant du localisme de ma maison-monde d’élection en m’ancrant dans mon univers transnational, mon blog.

Les partisans des « deux maisons » ont aussi d’éminents représentants, comme les frères Costes que j’ai découvert en zappant, et qui illustrent parfaitement la conciliation entre traditions-cultures-régionales et villes-mondiales-mondialisation. Issus de la communauté des Aveyronnais de Paris, ces immigrés qui après l’abandon du charbon passèrent le temps d’un trajet de Bougnats à limonadiers, et dont on compare volontiers la communauté à la communauté transnationale chinoise (utilisant des mots comme entraide, associations, réseau, solidarité, mafia), celle-là même qui reprend peu à peu leurs établissements parisiens… Le mouvement, tout le temps ;-). Mais subsistent encore quelques grandes familles pariso-aveyronnaises, dont les frères Costes qui ont su « s’appuyer sur le réseau aveyronnais mais bousculer la tradition ». Devenus mécènes sur leurs terres d’origine, ces entrepreneurs qui ont « la tête à Paris et le coeur en Aveyron » n’ont pas oublié leurs racines. Ils prévoient de retourner finir leurs jours dans leur région, contrariant une évolution régionale qui les rend nostalgiques, l’exode rural. Car enfin, il y a les terres qu’on se choisit pour courir, et les terres où l’on choisit de revenir pour s’y reposer…

Nouveaux réfugiés ?

Cet été devons-nous peut-être nous préparer à accueillir les futurs réfugiés turcs, et encore une fois, avant de se braquer, regardons qui sont ces potentiels réfugiés, qui ils fuient, par qui ils sont persécutés. En My turko-greek kiosk told me not to dare to leave either this summer. Not because of the fear of the attacks, but of its facies and the association that could be made in these times of stigmatization ... les aspirants voudraient fuir un régime autoritaire conservateur. Ailleurs au Moyen-Orient souvent Daech. Ceux qui se mettent en route sont des progressistes qui refusent la démobilisation, « nous » quoi.

Mais en cette fin d’été, certains risquent bien de changer de regard sur les réfugiés venus de loin…

Tremblements de terre en Italie, nouveaux camps, nouveaux réfugiés...

… Oui enfin… tout dépend sur quel type d’articles ils tombent…

Ceux là grossiront peut-être la Ville-Monde. Ou s’inspireront-ils éventuellement de ces pionniers qui de par le monde, face à la crise, pour éviter de glisser dans une précarité subie, ont opté pour de nouveaux modes de vie plus mobiles, plus légers, moins territorialisés. Ainsi aux États-Unis, ils sont de plus en plus nombreux à opter pour une « vie en RVMy turko-greek kiosk told me not to dare to leave either this summer. Not because of the fear of the attacks, but of its facies and the association that could be made in these times of stigmatization ...

Ca me donne bien envie, mais pas sûre qu’Outre-Atlantique je puisse facilement m’installer. Ni tous les potentiels réfugiés d’ailleurs. Quoique… je viens de lire qu’après New York ( h ttp://leprojetcosm ) la ville de Zurich planchait sur une carte d’identité pour les sans-papiers. Une citoyenneté urbaine pour que celui qui appartient au Monde et non au pays puisse être en règle là où il réside. Un espoir donc que « l’utopie » transnationale ( ) franchisse les barrières du Territoire pour entrer dans la ville.

Nouveau poste d’observation

Bon en ce qui me concerne, je dois délaisser pour un temps mes errances citadines, car j’ai du boulot ici. Déjà oeuvrer à transmettre le PC, puis j’ai un nouveau job aussi, dans les Ressources Humaines où j’ai réussi à m’infiltrer. Un poste d’observation de premier plan, un boulot qui contribue à nourrir le PC. Car enfin c’est là que ça se joue, dans un monde professionnel qui a la mission d’équilibrer les nationalités, les origines, les localisations des salariés pour diminuer la colère et le sentiment de déclassement. Sujet ultra-sensible dans une région frontalière. Importance du recrutement pour contrer la montée du populisme. Sujet capital dans une ville internationale où les travailleurs mondialisés sont recherchés mais pour lesquels dans le courant de l’été les permis extra-européens à attribuer étaient déjà épuisés. (

brothers Costes, j’ai réintégré la société et poursuis le PC en indé, sans compromis. Recherche de l’équilibre et de l’hybridité. Hybridité des géographies, hybridité des occupations, une formule qui peut fonctionner ?

L’été touche à sa fin… Accélération et Révélation

"A ce stade des négociations, la France dit non au traité de libre-échange atlantiqueMy turko-greek kiosk told me not to dare to leave either this summer. Not because of the fear of the attacks, but of its facies and the association that could be made in these times of stigmatization ...

Fin août, la démobiisation s’accélère. Et c’est dans ce contexte, entre la guerre annoncée de l’Union européenne aux multinationales et la fin des négociations sur le TAFTA, que prend son envol le libéral Emmanuel Macron en vue de l’élection présidentielle de 2017. Enfin lui prétend dans un premier temps déjà vouloir oeuvrer à ce que les idées progressistes soient présentes au deuxième tour de la présidentielle. Et il lance dans la foulée son mouvement « En Marche » ( sur lequel il compte s’appuyer.

Emmanuel Macron, possible étendard pour ma génération ? Futur candidat ? En tous les cas voix dissonante dans une campagne qui s’annonce sur la note « tout va mal » qui va nous plomber jusqu’en mai prochain, ambiance … !

Bref, espérons que cet économiste ait de meilleures propositions que les isolationnistes de la trempe de Trump.

Car le protectionnisme à terme et poussé dans son idéal-type c’est la guerre… Et les gouvernants ont une responsabilité historique en allant dans le sens de la peur des gens, qui croyant offrir un avenir plus radieux à leurs enfants risqueraient plutôt de les envoyer « au front », comme on peut l’entendre sur le plateau de « 28 minutes » du 31 août ( Progressives are not the only ones to pay the state of emergency. As Istanbul is an important hub, the Turkish downturn has implications for mobility throughout the region. Locked up and soon isolated. Geneva has canceled its flights to the capital in the wake. And if the Turks are assigned, others will be assigned this summer. Terrorized by the disciples of lors d’un débat éclairant qui tente de mettre en avant des chiffres pour contrer le climat idéologique ambiant.

Selon l’économiste Philippe Dessertine, s’il faut évidemment contrer les abus et mieux répartir les richesses, il ne faut pas stopper les échanges, car « si la réponse c’est dire on arrête tout et on est dans le protectionnisme c’est à coup sûr la catastrophe« . Car « quand les marchandises ne franchissent pas les frontières, les armées elles le font« . Laurent Davezies accorde que la mondialisation a créé des catégories, des territoires oubliés, mais montre à force de chiffres que globalement elle ne nous a pas appauvris. Au final sur ce plateau ils sont d’accord, car même Amélie Canonne, responsable de la campagne Stop TAFTA souhaite elle aussi plus de régulation, de nouvelles règles plus sociales et plus écologiques, et ne se reconnaît pas non plus dans le protectionnisme d’un Trump, qui annonce déjà une sortie de l’OMC…

Quoi qu’il en soit, le lendemain sur Facebook on ne compte plus les mouvements qui crient victoire pour la démocratie avec la fin de cet obscur accord.

See you en novembre…

Voilà, l’été touche à sa fin… La Gazette du PC 2016/II aussi.

Pour conclure, la formule qui résume le mieux cet été 2016, c’est finalement dans le magazine Elle que je l’ai trouvée…

Allez, see you, on se retrouve après le 9 novembre.

"Dans un monde en mouvement dont on rejette les flux, on perd forcément le contrôle… » (phrase maison)

À propos de l'auteur: CeceT

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